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Moving Through Trauma




Maya Angelou once said, "I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it."

Tough things happen to us in life. We lose loved ones, we are hurt by others, we receive a life-changing diagnosis, or someone we trusted betrays us.

Trauma is something we all face at some point in our lives. The longer we live, the more experiences we have. Can we use the wisdom of Maya Angelou to ensure that what life throws at us will not reduce us?

There are stages in trauma recovery. The way we move through those stages determines whether we can achieve improvement and renewed physical and mental function, or whether we get "stuck," unable to comprehend why we are feeling and acting a certain way, and unable to adapt and integrate these tough experiences into our lives.

Talking about it with experienced, knowledgeable therapists who understand trauma-informed care is crucial to moving forward. Let's tackle your challenges together, as a team, so you can feel better and cope in a more productive way.

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